Some updates

I meant to post two weeks ago, but my WiFi decided to act up. I got in touch with my ISP, and we worked out that my capsman (signal extender that looks like a flattened semicircle) wasn’t working. When I went to unplug it, the plug was hot to the touch.

A few days later, a technician arrives. I tell him about the plug. He takes my capsman out to his truck and brings it back with a new plug unit. I connect it and plug the capsman in. It works fine.

To think a short circuited plug could cause so much inconvenience.

On to some news. Sia, the Australian singer behind the disastrous film Music, has publically stated that she’s on the spectrum. Given her relationship with Maddie Ziegler, I had wondered. I was interested to learn that her surname is Furler.

Sia needs to go to the company/ies that distribute/s Music, and ask for it to be permanently withdrawn from circulation, if she hasn’t already. From what I’ve read, not only is the film a terrible representation of autism and dangerous, it is also, once the autism angle is removed, a load of cliché-ridden dreck. It’s approval rating is currently under 10%. Even if we use the rule of thumb that an unhappy person will tell 5 people while a satisfied person will tell only 2, that means that more than twice as many people hate it than like it.

Jamie Foxx has been released from hospital after a medical emergency. A representative of his has had to deny antivaxx claims that the emergency was caused by an adverse reaction to the COVID vaccine.

Antivaxxers are worse than vultures.

Finally, and on a sadder note, Donald Triplett, the first ever person to be diagnosed as autistic, has died at the age of 89.

About autismjungle

I am a Software Test Analyst. Shortly before I turned 21 I was officially diagnosed, although I had long suspected I was autistic. Welcome to my blog
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